HealthyCloud Roadmap
HealthyCloud’s Ready-to-implement Roadmap for the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC), is the core content of the Strategic Agenda, considering the outcomes of ongoing activities in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), especially from the cluster project EOSC-Life
A broad range of stakeholders, organised in the HealthyCloud Stakeholder Forum, is involved in the development of the roadmap with the goal of building trust on the basis of transparency and shared needs, challenges and opportunities. In this way, it is ensured that the roadmap is technically and ethically sound and legally compliant.
It incorporates expert feedback, fostering the integration of existing and future systems to handle the health data of millions of citizens. Moreover, it integrates the concept of sustainable computational capacities, including High-Performance Computing, which are helping to deepen insights into population dynamics.
The HRIC provides guidelines for enabling data access, sharing, and secondary use of data to support research for enhanced diagnosis and treatment, working toward the priorities identified in the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024 on the topic of Personalised Medicine and Personalised Healthcare.
The HealthyCloud Roadmap also includes the specifications for a FAIR health data portal with a meta-catalogue. The meta-catalogue definition will serve to capture and present relevant health and health-related resources available across different data hubs in Europe.
The key points of HRIC:
• Delivery of the specifications for a FAIR health data portal elaborating on data discoverability and accessibility at each data hub
• Providing competitive IT solutions by analysing existing and planned computational solutions, as well as providing a final set of recommendations on how to articulate the computational backbone needed for the future ecosystem
• A set of guidelines to ensure ELSO-compliant governance models that consider the federated architecture
• Drive the European Open Science Cloud for health research
• Improving health research and its translation to health care at all levels through health data exchange
• Two-use cases will demonstrate how the collaboration of different actors in the use and reuse of health data leads to better research outcomes
- Recommendations
- Specifications