News & press releases

In conversation with Dr Sandra García, co-principal investigator of Healthy Cloud
Dr Sandra García, managing director of IACS, talks about the relevance of Healthy Cloud as a project.

Interview with Dr Alfonso Valencia, BSC Life Sciences Director
Alfonso Valencia, co-principal investigator & Life Sciences Director at BSC, reviews the first year of the project.

HealthyCloud defines the first access scenarios
The new health and data access scenarios explore data access governance models used by large-scale data resources.

Drafting the health-related data framework and the catalogue matrix for HealthyCloud
Read about the milestone undertaken by the Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS).

HealthyCloud experts have selected representative European data hubs for the project
Read about this achieved milestone. HealthyCloud achieved a first step towards the identification of relevant European health data hubs.

HealthyCloud holds its first workshop
📽 Wrap-up recording of the Joint Workshop of Strategic Projects for the Health Research & Innovation Cloud is now available.

Defining the Strategic Agenda for the EU Health Research & Innovation Cloud
📰 HealthyCloud will deliver a Strategic Agenda for the European Health Research & Innovation Cloud.

HealthyCloud gets together for the first time!!
📰 The HealthyCloud kick-off meeting took place virtually on 9 March 2021 and was attended by all partners.

HealthyCloud: Defining the Strategic Agenda for the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud
Funded by the European Commission, HealthyCloud will contribute a Strategic Agenda towards the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud The