Third HealthyCloud Stakeholder Forum held in Amsterdam with representatives from User Communities
HealthyCloud’s third Stakeholder’s Forum was held in Amsterdam on the 9 and 10 of March 2023. Representatives from more than 20 organizations met to discuss the Health Research Innovation Cloud (HRIC) user communities. This in-person meeting provided a...
ELSI experts provide their feedback on the HRIC Strategic Agenda in the Second Stakeholder Forum Workshop
On 24 January 2023, HealthyCloud partners brought together roughly 20 ethical, legal and societal issues (ELSI) experts to discuss the potential services to be delivered from the Health Research and Innovation Cloud. This virtual workshop hosted by EATRIS-ERIC...
HealthyCloud experts meet EU Commission policy-makers to discuss the future Health Research and Innovation Cloud
HealthyCloud’s hybrid event, hosted in Brussels on 23 November, is seizing the opportunity to unite researchers, policy-makers and other stakeholders to openly discuss the future of the Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC) and to address key challenges identified by the EC: quality accessible and (re)useable health data to improve research, policymaking, regulation and innovation. HealthyCloud researchers shared the first draft of their Strategic Agenda of a Health Research and Innovation Cloud.

CORDIS article highlighted the study’s novelty and its important conclusion that a combination of electrocardiogram (ECG) and radiomics models could improve the future diagnostic options of women at risk of AF.
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