effective health-related
data sharing across
European Health Data
Enabling implementation
of a distributed,
interoperable ecosystem
for health research
Final Consultation Stage for HealthyCloud’s Strategic Agenda: Set for Release in September 2023
The European Commission’s HealthyCloud project initiative is moving forward to provide the Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC) Final Strategic Agenda. The Final Strategic Agenda will be available in September 2023. HRIC Strategic Agenda is a crucial step...
Healthycloud shares its first draft Strategic Agenda of a Health Research Innovation Cloud with EU Commission policy experts
HealthyCloud consortium members presented their Strategic Agenda for the future of the European Health and Research Innovation Cloud (HRIC). They envisioned how this new European HRIC could work to ensure the first integration between the European Health Data Space...
HealthyCloud’s Participation in the EOSC-Life Annual General Meeting
Event Overview Juan Gonzalez represented HealthyCloud at the final EOSC-Life Annual General Meeting (AGM), which took place in Brussels, Belgium12. This significant event was held to discuss the results and achievements of the EOSC-Life project, with...
Towards the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC)
Stakeholder Forum
- Exchanging views
on the future HRIC
ecosystem - Identifying
challenges &

- Recommendations
- Specifications

Strategic Agenda
- Good practices for
ethical & legal use of
health data in EU - Sustainable use of EU
capabilities on
computational systems