HealthyCloud’s Final Event
HealthyCloud is near its end and we want to share the outcomes of the project. During the final event, we will share with you the HealthyCloud Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC), and discuss the future...
The Final HealthyCloud Stakeholder Workshop
The fourth and final stakeholder workshop for HealthyCloud was held in Brussels on Thursday, June 1, 2023, at the Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas (CISC).

HealthyCloud’s Participation in the EOSC-Life Annual General Meeting
Event Overview Juan Gonzalez represented HealthyCloud at the final EOSC-Life Annual General Meeting (AGM), which took place in Brussels, Belgium12. This significant event was held to discuss the results and achievements of the EOSC-Life project, with...
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